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Support & Mentoring

All of the schools in our ALPS community provide a wide range of support and mentoring to its students. Each school has professional teams who lead in pastoral care which helps support students in their academic and non-academic life.

For us the wellbeing of our students is a key focus. One way we do this across the partnership is by ensuring the support and mentoring we provide our students cover a wide basis of needs as well as being easily accessible.

While our sixth formers have access to and benefit from pastoral care, they have the opportunity to be part of the mentoring and support by taking on roles such as student prefects as well as being available to help and advise students in lower years. This also provides the sixth formers who participate with valuable skills that can benefit and be used towards their future, whether that be further education or a career. The available pastoral resources are in-person and online. In person resources range from having dedicated form tutors, who are there to offer support and direction to the appropriate help, to trained counsellors. As for online resources there is a variety of free websites and apps students can turn to.

Some of our recommended apps are:

  • Calm Harm
  • Recharge- Move Well, Sleep Well, Be Well
  • Smiling Mind

Each of our schools are equipped with a Safeguarding Team, with each one having their own Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL). They ensure all staff are appropriately trained and are available to handle any safeguarding issues and concerns. This paired with the available groups and programmes such as anti-bullying programmes, self esteem groups and support programmes ensure students are supported in all aspects.


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Safeguarding Information at each school:

Loreto College

Nicholas Breakspear Catholic School

Samuel Ryder Academy

St Albans Girls' School

The Malborough Science Academy

Townsend Church of England School